Answering Your Water Pump Questions
with RPS Engineer Mike

What is the most common well pump size?
The most common well pump size is a 1HP, 4” diameter submersible pump. A 1HP water pump is pretty versatile, and is able to accommodate wells up to 300-400 feet deep. 1HP really only refers to the type of motor end on a well pump. There are a variety of submersible well pump ends, which determine the well depth possible and flow rate. Pump ends utilize centrifuges that spin and accelerate water to the top of a well. The more centrifuges stacked inside the pump end results in greater head ability to pump out of deeper wells.
1HP well pumps are used for residential, livestock, irrigation, filling ponds, and industry applications. A number of fountain pumps also fall into the range of a 1HP.
The most common flow rate for a 1HP well pump is 25 gallons per minute. Most residences want a flow rate that can keep up with appliances with a bit left over for lawn or property irrigation. As long as your well produces 25 gallons per minute and the refresh rate can keep up with the pumping rate, 25GPM is a great choice for any single or multi family home. Check out the 25RPS10 for a 1HP 25GPM water pump.
Lots of well owners like to upgrade to a 1HP well pump instead of using a 3/4HP. The upside is that 1HP is a more powerful pump, both in depth ability and flow rate for not much more money.
Here are some examples of 1HP well pumps…
1HP Well Pump Models |
Flow Rate |
05RPS10 |
4-8GPM |
07RPS10 |
5-13GPM |
10RPS10 |
9-18GPM |
18RPS10 |
22-29GPM |
25RPS10 |
21-31GPM |
The most common well diameters are 4” and 6”. And the most common diameter of a well pump is 4”. A 4” submersible well pump, actual diameter 3.85”, is made to fit into a 4” well. You can also use a 4” well pump in a 6” well.
Take the Next Step to Water Independence
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